#Fight food waste

#Fight food waste

Fight food waste - avoid spoilage of agricultural & food products during ocean transport
Last Friday, October 16 was ‘World Food Day 2020’. This marked the 75th anniversary of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization. 

This year’s theme,  "Grow, nourish, sustain, together. Our actions are our future" could not better summarize the efforts and steps, big or small, we all have to take now and in the future to provide sufficient, safe and sustainable food supply for the entire world.
We need to remind ourselves, that across all agricultural product categories, an average of 30% of products are wasted within supply chains. This happens at every stage from farm to consumer. Spoilage during transport and storage represents an important share in a global world where farmers and consumers are more closely connected through ocean transport networks.
Much of our daily food supply is shipped in a container on an ocean vessel, crossing continents and climate zones before it reaches our plates. The combination of agricultural products loaded into steel containers, transported via ocean, subject to fluctuating climates, increases the risk of product spoilage. 
Almost all agricultural products are considered “hygroscopic” cargo, meaning they are in equilibrium with the air inside the ocean shipping container and can release as well as absorb moisture. The amount of water available within a container of such cargo is much larger than for manufactured goods. Transfer of a small percentage of the total moisture available may cause substantial condensation problems.
By applying a powerful container desiccant you can protect your cargo against the risk of moisture damage and spoilage. 
SUPER DRY container desiccants use Calcium Chloride as the moisture absorbent and have a proven absorption capacity of up to 300% of their own weight. A single 1000g bag of SUPER DRY desiccant will absorb 3 liters of moisture from inside an ocean shipping container, keeping the dew point temperature below the condensation level, minimizing the risk of moisture damage and spoilage of your agricultural products. 
Contact our experts to learn more about how our products and services can protect your cargo.