Our story begins in the year 2000, when 3 Executives from the manufacturing, shipping and surveying industries combined their knowledge and experience, to address a serious problem they all had experienced – moisture & mold damages to products shipped in containers. Since establishing our first factory in Indonesia, we continue to grow steadily and today operate a global sales and service network.
SUPER DRY is a global leader in Calcium Chloride desiccants. We specialize in moisture damage prevention solutions.
We operate 4 factories strategically located along the Asian manufacturing belt. We take pride in our state-of-the-art R&D center which is equipped with the most sophisticated technology ensuring the safest and most effective products available in the industry. SUPER DRY sets the standards for quality and effectiveness and we are committed to providing our customers with the best products and services available in the market.
Knowledge & Expertise are the pillars of our production, R&D and service processes.
We provide continuing education and on-site training for our team members, an important investment to ensure that we stay ahead of the market. Our business is supported by a team of specialists in every business field providing the best products and services at the highest quality level to our customers.
For your most effective moisture control. We do more than merely sell desiccants. With a comprehensive range of products and services SUPER DRY protects your goods from factory to destination.
Our team of auditing specialists support your factories in detecting moisture damage risks. We check your existing supply chain and provide you with a step-by-step improvement plan to minimize moisture damage risks at the source.
The SUPER DRY R&D center is equipped with climate chambers where we can simulate the effects of temperature and moisture during transport and storage.
We offer customized supplier seminars and staff training. We have a holistic approach, raising risk awareness at every staff level, pin-pointing on-site risks and highlighting moisture damage prevention solutions.
Tagging your shipments with digital data loggers which record temperature and humidity inside container and packaging during real time transport.